Alma 51

Alma 51

Eerie likening to our day! Especially the first four verses (except our leader is changing the laws that most people do not want changed.)  I'd say the dispute is mighty warm these days!

Maybe it's the holiday coming up tomorrow, the day America celebrates our Independence from the British, to worship and live as we please as a people- but I can't help but see the correlation!  It is such a critical time here in the US. Without getting into specifics, we have a leader in our land that, he himself, wants to change certain parts of the law and the expand the rights of the government, taking away certain liberties of the people. You cannot turn on the television without hearing one side or the other verbally bash the other. 

I am grateful that it hasn't come to a point where we are taking up arms one with another.  But, still, it's a scary time here.

The question I have is: who is our Captain Moroni today? Where is the one that can kindle the spark of liberty and freedom in our hearts, bring us to a rememberence of what our forefather's fought for, to inspire us to fight for our freedoms?  

I am grateful for the relative peace we still have- there is no civil war, no fighting brother against brother for our freedoms.  But, I fear the possibility.

This is such a critical time here in the US- but also in the rest of the world.  The Adversary is stirring up the hearts of the people one with another. The fighting is warm and it is real.  It is also distracting and damaging to the soul. That is the ultimate battlefield: The Adversary does not want us to win spiritually. He will use us against each other, twist events of the world and opinions of people to make us turn on one another.

For me, the important thing is to be prayerful as I speak to others, as I vote and as I become more active in my community and government. I want to be a part of the fight for freedom- but in a way that keeps me close to God- always remembering Who I am fighting for.  Not letting pride and nobility be the driving force-  for, as Moroni put it, should be leveled to the ground.

Inspiring chapter.  What did you think/learn today?


  1. I think your comments mirror my thoughts exactly. If we replaced the names in this chapter with current political leaders from our country and others, we could just about leave everything else the same. It is so important that we encourage others to pray for our country, our leaders, and those who have power. It is a frightful time on one hand and yet, not so much on the other, because we know why things are happening the way they are... it's because the world is gearing up for the return of the Savior.


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