Alma 57

Alma 57

"...but we did sleep upon our swords..."  We must be ever vigilant, ever ready for the adversary and his tricks.

The biggest message, for me, in this chapter, was faith. Faith in God can produce miracles.  Again Helaman's little army came out of battle without losing a soul. Every single one of the 2060 were injured, however, but they still gave thanks.

It is amazing how they could be grateful in their pain. And how, in verse 36, they speak of their gratitude because of the goodness of God.  And this was after they have been in through a few years of war and bloodshed.

It is a great reminder to me to be constantly grateful for what I have, regardless of my condition. There was a quote I heard that says :Attitude is more important than conditions.  So true.


  1. I liked verse 36 - "I was filled with exceeding joy because of the goodness of God in preserving us."
    Everyday that we are alive is such a blessing, and it is the goodness of God that preserves us from harm or accident. My daughter recently did something that could have put her in serious harm, or worse, and I thanked the Lord that she was saved. Time is short. We need to treasure every moment.


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