Moroni 9

Moroni 9

In the last chapter Mormon said he did not fear what man can do, for he has charity (8:16), but here in this chapter he speaks of fear (3 &4). But, this isn't Mormons fear of men, it is is fear for them.  He knows the stakes, he knows the price of disobedience. He labors with them continually that they might have hope, faith and charity- but it doesn't look good for them.  That was difficult for Mormon to see (I know, that's a huge understatement.)

But, regardless of how the message was received, Mormon knew it was important to labor with his might. He knew he would be judged according to his performance- not their acceptance. (6)

I think sometimes we threw our hands up in the air and think "I'm trying so hard and it's doing no good."

To be real honest here- sometimes our efforts don't to any apparant good to other people- but that's not our problem. We labor diligently to serve and obey because it make us more like the Savior.

Think about it- the Savior sacrificed Himself- and still, not everyone will take adavantage of it!

He didn't say, "Well, I'm trying so hard, but not everyone is coming to me, so forget it." No, he did that which was right, because it was right.

And that's the message here, at least to me.  


  1. Well, your message was way more uplifting than mine! =) Mine was holy-cow, if those people could be that wicked, and we can see that level of wickedness already ramping up in the world today.... I want to built a fort, with a moat, and hunker down.

  2. Moroni was talking to us, here in the United States now. I understand Angie wanting to build a fortified bunker and I agree that we should! But I know that we must fight the fight and offer to others all that the Father has. I have been pondering some of these things lately; If we can share and help others, why do so few partake? And yet it is not us that are rejected, but what the Father has allowed us to be His vehicle to assist others in this hard journey. The plan is simple and sweet.
    I love the song, "Born to Be Brave" by Catherine Nelson. We are, we can be, we have to be...even though many days it is hard. I guess hard things build good muscles...right :)
    Excuse my ramblings...


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