Ether 13

Ether 13

Is it bad that I am ready to be done reading about this guy killing that guy, then the followers of that guy battle against this guy? I really just wanted to read something happy today.

Yes, I know that I get out of the scriptures what I put into it, so it's my own fault.  Well, this is my own blog, so there.

That being said... I do like the first 13 verses of this chapter- mainly because it contains the prophecy of Ether. He saw amazing things in the past, present and future. Verse 9 talks about the millennium  I am totally fascinated by the millennium.  What will it really be like? Can I really cuddle with a gorilla (my absolute favorite animal)  Cuddling with gorillas- happy thought.  War - not happy thought.

I think the millennium will be an amazing time of missionary work and temple service. It'll be amazing. I 'm not in a hurry to get there, but I have a feeling I'll love it when it comes.


  1. This chapter simply reminds me to be thankful for my country. It is a choice land, above all others. It is part of my responsibility to help keep it that way. To serve in the community, to vote, to participate, to testify and to be courageous when the difficult things happen.

    I don't want to be banished to a cave like Ether, but I know that living in a cave righteously is better than in a mansion filled with wickedness.

    1. Just keep in mind it's a choice land as long as the people are righteous. The warlike mentality our country has is moving us very close to a cliff.


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