Ether 14

Ether 14

I can't imagine living in a world full of so much bloodshed and war. It's depressing.

So, here's a totally unrelated video that helped cheer me up this morning.

I know who I am.  And there's nothing more important to me than that.


  1. As depressing as it is to read about all the bloodshed and war, I think it is important that we realize the BOM was put here for us to learn from. The first step is reading it... and thank you for keeping up with your blog, it's been a lifeline at times to keep me reading each day. Well - almost each day!

    We cannot afford to look at the world with anything less than a clear view backed up by scripture and the Spirit. It is what it is.

    It it bothersome to think that we may have to defend our homes from others, just like the people did in the first verse. The negative can be very overwhelming at times, but I am still compelled to read, hear and try to understand what is going on. Then I turn it off, turn on good music, and keep myself busy with as much positive activities as I can.

    1. You're right Ang. It is here for a reason. Thanks for reminding me of that. I does give me a clearer view of the circumstances of the world today- as depressing, and as exciting, as they may be.

      And thanks for sticking with me on my blog! Can you believe it's been a year and a half since we started this? I hope you're up for another year. Last week I decided I wasn't going to do this anymore. It takes a lot of time to upkeep- but it is soooo good for my study!! I think I may have to change my mind and keep it up.

      Maybe I'll focus on just one verse in each chapter that hits me, rather than commenting on the whole thing (which I tend to do!) Who knows. But, thanks again for studying with me. I always learn so much from you!

  2. I think it's also interesting to note that the BOM was written for us because we are living in a time when our government is being slowly turned from one that preserves freedom to one that restricts it and spreads death around the world. We killed 1 millions Iraqis for heavens sake. This book is for US.


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