Moroni 8

Moroni 8

Again, how sweet it must have been for Moroni to have the words of his father- especially a letter written for him. You can sense the love Mormon had for his son. He prayed for him continually (31).

How wonderful that we know that little children are automatically saved in Him!! I love how Mormon puts it- They are 'alive in Christ (12).

Verse 16 is a wonderful glimpse into the power of that man. He said "...I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear."

We read yesterday that charity is the perfect love of Christ.  And now, we learn that charity casts out all fear. How powerful.

When we are meek and lowly in heart, the Holy Ghost visits us. He fills us with hope and perfect love.

That's why, in the last chapter, Mormon told us to pray.

Spiritual things are given by spiritual means.

Prayer unlocks the windows of heaven- and our eternal salvation.


  1. A couple of verses stuck out to me... Vs 8 - the whole need no physician, Christ didn't come to call the righteous to repentance, but the sinners. Granted, we are all sinners, but do you have one of those children that are way harder on themselves when they do something wrong than you would be when correcting them? That's the type of follower I want to be, one that the Lord doesne't have to stress over because He knows I will be harder on myself than He would be.

    Second, Verse 22... This one actually creates a little bit of confusion to me. Redemption comes to all those who do not have His law. Those who have it are under greater condemnation. So, it would follow, why would we work so hard to convert people if that is just going to bring them harder condemnation? Just a thought I needed to say out loud. If they are unhappy and seeking, then that would be different.

    I am grateful for the guidance in the scriptures, even when it raises questions. Or maybe because sometimes it does raise questions.


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