Ether 11

Ether 11

So, yesterdays post was a little depressing. Sorry.

It is hard to read about the political happenings of the Jaredites without considering our precarious position today.

This chapter is just as depressing as the last, but it shares the same message: Wickedness cannot bring happiness.

A piece of hope is contained here as well: God is mindful of His children, and sends prophets to them when they are in need.

I find great comfort that we have living prophet today to share with us the things that God would have us hear.

We live in an "exciting time," to quote President Hinckley.  We must keep that feeling of hope and excitment as we realize what is most important: Nations rise and fall, but it is the Kingdom of God that will never be taken from the earth again.

That thought brings me great peace and joy.


  1. I'm amazed out how the prophets want us to maintain so positive. It makes me think that they don't realize how corrupt and evil this world is. Maybe I need to take a lesson from them and stay positive even know evil and conspiring men have it in for us.

    1. Ben, I think the prophets no far better than we how corrupt and evil the world is. Conspiring men might have it in for us, but it is important to remember that they that are with us are mightier than they that are with them.

      The world is becoming more wicked. We knew that would happen. But, what we also know will happen is that the Kingdom of God will never fall. Literally. The nation might hang by a thread (it might be now), but if we remain faithful, we can be a part of something much grander and eternal - and something very, very real.

      To me, that is very exciting! We cannot slump in sadness because the opponent bears his bulky arms. We know that, even though we may feel small, we have God on our side.

      Yes, times are tough, and will probably get tougher. And that's okay.

      They've been telling us for years to get our houses in order, financially and spiritually- and we will be okay.

      We live in a time that has been prophesied of since the beginning- the Latter Days! That is exciting! We, you and I, signed up to fight this great fight, because we knew we could- and we wanted to!

      So, yes, Ben, stay positive. Have faith- hope for a better world (Ether taught that- but that's in tomorrow's reading.)

      Stay positive. Good will win in the end. Eternal perspective is the key.

      The prophets do now- and so can you. Hang in there :)

  2. Today, on my way to, and then again on the way home, from the base. I pondered the results of many of the elections last night.

    If God says it is wrong, it is wrong. No matter what the polls say. No matter what gets passed in the halls of public opinion.

    The Kingdom of God will not be removed from the earth again, this we know. But that did not give me comfort last night as my heart was filled with sadness and fear. My sweet husband simply asked me... is your fear because... well, are you sure you are ready to live the things which you have prepared for?

    That really took me back a moment. Am I ready to live the things I have prepared for?

    There was great calamity spoke of in this chapter. There were wars and contentions. Famines and pestilence. A great destruction, bigger than ever had been seen before on the entire face of the earth.

    It is the latter days. No doubt in my mind. Am I ready to live the things I have prepared for? Yes. I just don't want to. I don't want to see all the death and destruction, the sadness and fear, the pestilence, the wars, the desolation... I just don't want to see it. It's like childbirth or physical therapy or getting your wisdom teeth removed... there are better things at the end. But the means to the end can be pretty rough.

    With all that... and ending on an uplifting note... With God all things ARE possible. But we all better hold on tighter than ever to that iron rod which keeps us headed on the right path and in touch with Him who saves, cuz it's going to be a bumpy ride. You know that feeling of getting on a roller coaster when they latch the safety gates over your shoulders, the sound it makes, and the butterflies as you climb the first hill... Right now I feel like I am in the front car and the chains just released.


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