Ether 12:1-28

Ether 12:1-28

I broke this chapter up because there was too much to cover in just one day!

What was the message Ether had for a people who lived in perilous political times? Have faith in God. Hope for a better world, always abound in good works, and glorify God.

I would say that message is just as needed today, if not more, that back then.

In verse 5 we learn the power of perspective  Ether prophesied many wonderful things, but the people didn't believe him because they couldn't - or wouldn't - recognize them. They saw them not. They weren't willing to  have an eternal perspective, so they were blind to the truth.

Faith is used 26 times in the first 28 verses of this chapter.

I have always loved Moroni's definition of faith: Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen.

Though a little disheartened this morning about the direction of the majority of the people of this nation, I have faith that God's purposes are greater, and that it it my call to have faith, and  not let my heart fail.

I love the video below- it really speaks to what is in my heart today.

Of course, I cannot go without mentioning verses 27-28. I love the idea that the Lord has power to turn our weaknesses into strengths. That gives me great hope, since I am weighed down with many weaknesses and faults.  I am well aware of them, and I lay them at His feet and ask daily for His help in turning them into strengths.

All in all- I feel hope and faith.  And, that is a very good thing.


  1. This was definitely a more uplifting section to read. While there are many great points, the ones I liked the most were verse 4 and 6...

    There was a sign I saw yesterday.... something like... It doesn't matter who is president because God is in control.

    It is humbling, yet freeing to turn my life over to God each day. To ask Him what He would have me do. To pray for the guidance of the Spirit in even the littlest of things. I know when I approach my day in this way, God is surely the anchor to my soul.


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