My Savior

I think a lot- about life, myself, my family, everything. I am always in a state of self-analysis and introspection, a constant effort to improve, and keep myself in line and in tune.  I love this picture of Jesus Christ. He seems to be contemplating His role, His purpose, His creation and His life. He is a thinker, like me. It makes me feel close to Him, which is a great way to start my study of Him.

John 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

"Worlds Without End" by Greg Olsen. The see more of His art, click here.


  1. You are going to need to explain the new study process to me! =) I looked up all the #1 scriptures acrossed the top of the 4 gospels... was this the right section for today? THen the second line for tomorrow? Or did you have another plan? And the topic of the week. Is it possible to get a heads up before hand? I might find something amazing to share as I ponder it for the week. Or not.

    So. My actual comment for today. The light shineth in the darkness and those in the darkness just don't get it! They don't- they don't get it AT ALL!. There is not one iota of comprehension that the Savior is. That He died for our sins. That He will come again. That He loves us beyond measure.

    Except that, the DARKNESS gets it! Meaning, Satan totally gets it. Satan is the great darkness and he understands it all. But if he can keep blinders on people so they cannot see, he keeps them captive to him.

    It is astounding to me how many people in America, founded on the basics of One Nation Under God, Land of the Free, do not even believe God exists. It really hits home today, Memorial Day. Men and women died to give us the right to have this commentary on your blog on religious discussion, to attend church yesterday, to fly the flag, to say, think and believe what we will and the greatest darkness of all, Satan, has people convinced that God doesn't even exist.

    While I pray for my country every day, especially today, I say even more prayers on her behalf. Prayers that the light of Christ will burn brighter than ever and overcome the darkness that sometimes feels like it is winning.

  2. I totally agree with your comments and I just love your insight! I am so glad you are doing this with me.

    So- to answer our questions: Monday through Friday I will study the events of Jesus's life in chronological order, across the four gospels. Each post pertaining to this will have GH (Gospel Harmony) in the Post Name. Then, at the of each post I will have the event, location and the verses in each book, including some Latter-day sources. Below that, separated by a line, are my thoughts and comments. As I study, I will probably use other sources as well, so I might add links, etc, as I go along.

    Saturday is my catch up day.

    Sunday is the gospel topic day. I've moved that to the bottom of the weekly list, as to give you the week to study and ponder before I post.

    So, hopefully this all makes sense. I understand some reading will only be a verse or two, while others longer But I am hoping to get more of a story-type, holistic read of His life.

    If I find that this is too labor intensive or not very functional/accessable after a few weeks, I might change it up. Let me know what you think :)


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