Alma 37

Alma 37

By small and simple means are great things brought to pass...and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.

I love this. I often feel very small and simple, wondering if I can do any good.  It is nice to know that God can still use me to accomplish great things- not in spite of me, but maybe because of me.

Verses 33-37 are among my favorites.  They lay out what to teach and what to do.

Teach: Repentance, faith, humility, meekness, withstand temptation, and do good works.
Do: Learn wisdom, keep commandments, pray in voice and in thought, love the Lord, counsel with the Lord, give thanks to the Lord.

If we do all these things, we will have eternal life.

Some might complain that teaching and doing all these things is hard, but Alma says in verse 44 that "it is as easy to give heed to the word of it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass..." If we look for the blessings that come from obedience, we will see the ease of the way.

Finally, he tells us to "look to God and live."  Look to God.  It's that easy.


  1. Today's repeated key phrase.... wise purpose. The records were kept for a wise purpose, only God knows why.

    So many times I have heard, and even said it myself, Why??? Sometimes we just don't know. It's a trial or an assignment of the moment which may bring better things in the future.

    While not called on to keep the records of a nation. We are called on to do so many little things. There are times I have NO clue why I feel prompted to do something, but I have learned my lesson, that if prompted, best to be obedient and do what I am supposed to do!

    Felt very pushed to go to a sale this morning, walked away with nothing. The items I wanted were already gone. So, gas wasted. Time wasted. But- instead of getting irritated. I just thought "wise purpose" maybe it was a simple test of obedience and the reward will come later. It certainly helps my attitude when I can look at things in that way.

  2. I have kept a journal since I was about 8 years old and some people may wonder why I have spent all that time writing it. I like to think that one day my children will read the spiritual experiences I have written about and it will strengthen their testimonies. Or perhaps it will be my grandchildren. Or both.

    I loved the phrase that was used in verse 45 at the end - if we follow the words of Christ they will "carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise." I have really been enjoying those new little church videos that have been coming out about Christ. Helps him to come alive more in my heart.


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