Alma 42

Alma 42

I did it!  I started this blog last May 31st, with my first entry being Alma 42. I've read, studied and journaled (in this blog) the entire Book of Mormon.  Today I feel a sense of accomplishment. I wonder what this next year will hold for me.

I love the logic of this chapter. Alma very clearly and simply breaks down the Plan of Salvation, justice and mercy, sin and repentance, probation, our spiritual death and our need of a Savior.

There is a line in verse 23 that stuck out to me this time: Mercy claimeth the penitent. It goes onto to say that mercy cometh because of the Atonement.  Therefore, only the Atonement can only work in the lives of the penitent. How beautifully put. How simple it is.  We know that the Savior asks for a broken heart and contrite spirit. These are characteristics of a penitent person. So is obedience and service.

"Only let your sins trouble you..." Verse 29. Great advice for those who are caught in in worldly things, and in the choices of others. Let your sins be the only thing that troubles you, bringing you to a penitent state and down to repentance.

Awesome chapter! For fun I included below the original post from last year.  Fun for me to compare my thoughts then to my thoughts now.

Now the question is...I've journaled the entire Book of Mormon. Do I keep up this blog and do it all over again? Or switch to the New Testament? D&C? Random scriptures? I've come to know that Book of Mormon so well through this, this I would love to study the other scriptures in this manner as well.  Perhaps a look at the Four Gospels together?

What are your thoughts?


Alma 42 is the final of four chapters (39-42) that contain a letter written by Alma to his son Corianton.  Corianton served a mission with his dad, but lost perspective and chose a different path.  These chapters 39-42 are Corianton's call to repentance, an explanation in the plainest terms of the plan of salvation, self-mastery, the coming of Christ, resurrection and so forth.  They are full of beautiful written doctrine taught with the love of a concerned father.

I love how Alma explains the Fall, and the need for a plan to redeem mankind.  Here he uses the terms "plan of salvation", "plan of happiness"  and '"the plan of redemption" to describe that plan.  He lays out the precarious state of man after expelled from the garden, and makes me see the need for such a plan.

Then, in verse 15 he teaches the plan cannot happen unless there is an atonement made. It makes sense.

I absolutely love the path of logic Alma takes in verses 16 - 24.  Makes me wonder if Alma could have been a lawyer in another life.  

By verse 29 I wrote "Let your sin trouble you to repentance."

By verse 30 I wrote "Do no excuse your sins by denying justice."  That reasoning is so prevalent today.  Many deny God, or say that God should love everyone no matter what they do.  He does love us all regardless of our choices.  But, He cannot take away the demands of justice.  Hence the need for a Savior.

Also, I  love how the Gospel is called the Good News - because that's what it is. I love that fact that even though Corianton messed up, his father continued to teach him in patience and love.  And, at the end of chapter 42, Corianton receives another call, another chance, to serve.  The fact that we can repent for our mistakes and continue to grow is truly good news.

There is so much I could write about this!  But, I would love to hear what you have to say. 


  1. There is a rule book. There are consequences for breaking the rules and rewards for following them. It keeps the world pretty plain and simple. Organized and straightforward. I really appreciate this because I do much better when I understand what the expectation are. We don't always understand what people's expectations are of us, but we do understand God's.

    Now, as far as your question about what scriptures to study.... it's your blog! Do as you wish. =) It would be cool to study the D&C, or the bible too. Or key terms using all four. Or history. Or keep doing the BOM. Or concepts. Or ..... yeah... do what you think! =)

  2. Hi Michelle, I have been busy packing boxes to move all day, but when I read your question in regards to what to do with the blog, I had to come on and comment. Of course it is your blog and you should do what you want, but I secretly hope you will continue with something, as I do like reading your thoughts. :)


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