Alma 32

Alma 32

Faith, humility, mercy, angels communicating, and afflictions.  Full chapter.

Of course, it contains the well-loved metaphor of faith like a mustard seed, which takes up the last half of the chapter.

I wish I understood faith more.  I think there is great power in faith, when truly understood.  I know I have faith, and I have a testimony of faith- but there is so much more I don't know.

I know that by faith mountains can be moved.  Mountains- big, massive rocks.  That's power.

I know faith can heal. With faith we can see God.

But there is so much more I don't know, so much more I want to know.

What are your thoughts about faith? What have you learned? How have you developed yours?


  1. There were several things that caught my eye in this chapter.

    It is always interesting to see how the temporally poor are more willing to listen to the word of God and the temporally rich scoff. The more wealth and prosperity, the less men think they need the Lord's guidance because they can do it themselves.

    It was a good reminder that, not only do we not have to, but we shouldn't just worship God on Sunday in a Church. It goes back to that need to have a prayer in your heart all the time. To be giving praise and thanks to God for the little things each day. Not to be a Sunday-Christian.

    I have always said to myself... be humble... don't be humbled. Not that it always works, but I do not relish bringing trials on myself. I do not want them. I want to always try and keep my attitude in check and fly under that radar of stress. Be humble... don't be humbled.

    All we have to have is a desire. It is always interesting to watch new converts go through the process because they have a desire to learn. The Lord gives knowledge to them liberally and you can watch the changes right before your eyes.

    However, it goes on to say that the seeds can be planted, but if you don't have fertile soil, it doesn't make the seed bad, it means you need to do some more work on yourself. I see that no better than in my garden. The more fertile the ground, the higher the yield.

    This was a great chapter full of little reminders to easily put into my day.


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