Alma 31

Alma 31

How interesting Alma's reaction to the Zoramites.  He was so saddened by them, showing even more sorrow for them then the Lamanites he had served.  The Lamanite's did not know God, and therefore made poor- and violent - choices.  But, the grief that Alma felt was due to the fact that the Zoramites took something which was sacred and perverted it.

The damage of pride goes deep.  But, how often do we see people around us, placing themselves above others for all manner of reasons?  So sad.

I do love how it speaks in the beginning that the power of the word is stronger than the sword. I could talk paragraphs about that- but I'll save that for another day :) Kinda crazy this morning around here!  This is as good as it gets, lol.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. The thing that struck me was the complete opposite prayers. The Zoramites thought they were being spiritual. But they were completely prideful, arrogant, and mislead. But within their own minds they thought they were fantastic worshippers of God. Reminds me of people who recite the same prayer every time or copy the entire bible and think that is all it takes to make them righteous. All the time, however, they are living lives not in accordance with the moral and ethical standard of God.

    Alma was sincerely asking for guidance from God to help him as he worked with these mislead people. His prayers were not about how wonderful he was. He showed true humility as he asked for help and guidance.

    The more I read the BOM the more I understand why it is a book written for us, in our day. I understand better how we can turn to it to get guidance and help as we face the day. I am thankful for that.


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