Alma 28

Alma 28

It's official- we are now in the War Chapters.

It's amazing, when they do the recap of the past 15 years, just how much carnage and sorrow there was. Even in the sorrow, the Nephites knew that peace and understanding would only come from the Lord.  They fasted and prayed in the face of adversity and pain.

We also learn in this chapter what causes the inequality of men.  It's not intelligence, race, station or any other earthly factor:  It is sin.  That is the only thing that differentiates us in God's eyes.  That's one of the reasons I love to go to the temple- we are all equal, and share a sense of unity and oneness in purpose and potential.

Thousands died- but imagine the devastation if Alma, Ammom and his brethren hadn't served as diligently among the Lamanites.

Sometimes I get frustrated, when it feels like I am doing all I can and sometimes it seems that I'm just not making a difference.  I have to tell myself that maybe, just maybe, things would be or could be worse if I weren't trying my hardest.  Sometimes we don't see the difference we make-but God always does.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. I simply noticed the "opposition-in-all-things" of this chapter.

    Mourning at loss but rejoicing because of heaven.

    Sin versus diligence.

    Sorrow and yet still fasting and praying. Joy for safety. Rejoicing because of the light of Christ.

    I will admit I am not looking forward to the war chapters. Not because of what they are, but because they represent what could happen here and now. What I do recognize is the need to work harder, be more diligent, look for the positives, and be obedient to promptings of the spirit.


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