Alma 33

Alma 33

For some reason, this verse struck a chord with me this morning:

 11 And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and myasincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all minebafflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, cbecause of thy Son.

I taught a lesson on the Atonement yesterday, and our Sacrament Meeting tied Mothers in with the Savior so beautifully.  My relationship with my Savior is most prevalent on my mind and in my heart today.

It is interesting to me the the Lord gets upset with these people because they don't understand what the Ssavior did for them, and their relationship with Him.  That's how important it is.

In the scriptures we read that Eternal Life is to know God and Jesus Christ.  I have to remind myself of that when I get wrapped up in the minutia of life: chores, work, errands, housecleaning, laundry, dieting, etc.  I have to bring myself to the place- mentally, spiritually and emotionally- where I can put those things into persepctive and look to Him for my worth, not my clean house, the success of my children, the scale or anything else.  I need to look at my relationship and testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ and Our Father, Heavenly Father.  If that is OK- everything else will work itself out in the end.


  1. I love that this chapter is a gentle reminder that sitting in the chapel on Sunday is not the only place to worship God. It shouldn't be. Matter of fact, for me, sometimes it is the hardest place to pay attention and focus on the Savior because of all the distractions.

    I am grateful that when I stop and bury my face in my lilacs and thank God for the scent, He hears me. Or when I look at the mountain in the sunshine and marvel, He hears me. When I wander through my tangled garden and see bees, He hears me. Even driving fast with the sirens blaring, He hears me.

    For me, it is easier to worship God outside the church building. Sometimes there is that spiritual witness there, but for me, most of my spiritual promptings, feelings, and communication happen during the course of living my daily life.

  2. I also loved the phrase in verse 11 that says "....I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy....." It is such a comfort to know that the Lord is always there to help us whenever we need him. He really is our joy!


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