2 Nephi 11

Chapter 11

Jacob saw his Redeemer—The law of Moses typifies Christ and proves he will come. About 559–545 B.C.


Chapters like this really bring me closer to Nephi.  He had such a hard life, and yet he delights in the Lord, his covenants and the scriptures. I feel like every time I read the Book of Mormon I get to know him and the other writers better.

Nephi writes how he delights in telling people about the Lord.  I know how he feels.  I love the teach and testify of the Savior.  Last night I was able to speak at a youth fireside in another ward in our stake.  I loved teaching and testifying of the gifts the Savior has given us.  My testimony grew as I testified to them of what I believed.

I love teaching because I love the opportunity I have to work with the Spirit to help others come closer to Christ.  I could totally relate to Nephi and his joy today!

What did you think/learn today?

(PS-Liz, I joked about your son and my broken foot, so if some of the E2 kids tell him about it, that's where they heard it from, lol)


  1. We were watching a talk from conference last night. The speaker was talking about the Book of Mormon. This chapter said basically the same thing as the speaker.... and if you really stop and listen ( and I recognize this is preaching to the choir- I really mean those who fight against the BOM) it makes such logical sense.

    Yes, we get a spiritual witness. But if you read the Bible and then the BOM, recognizing God is the same forever, how could you deny the BOM is a witness of Christ? More than one witness. Speaking same language. Testifying of Christ. encouraging people to believe in Christ. If it were from Satan... He would not be directing us, everyone, to feast on the words of Christ.

    I saw one of those internet forwards with pictures of church signs... one read.... "don't read the BOM, that's how they get you." Even other churches understand the power of the BOM..... after all they don't want to lose their members to the truth of it.

  2. This chapter is reminding us that there is not just one person that has seen Christ in person, there are lots of witnesses, so why do we doubt the witnesses of many?

    Also in verse 4 its reminding us that Christ is the centre piece for everything and is so important. Let's make him the centre piece of our lives.

  3. In vs 4 "neither shall they learn war any more" jumped off the page to me. In my lifetime there has been a great deal of money, resources spent on the efforts of war. Famous places of learning, Annapolis, Westpoint, have been dedicated to the learning of war.

    The thought that there will be no more learning of war is stunning.


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