Jacob 5:29-49
Here are my thoughts from the last time I read this:
Again will say that to study more in-depth the doctrine and meaning of this allegory, see this manual, or the other resources in the 'Study Helps' page above. Here I just share my personal feelings and insights as I read.
Verses 29-49 cover the Great Apostasy.
Again the grief of the Lord regarding the possibility of losing his olive tree. Three times, in verses 41, 47 and 49, the Lord weeps and says, "What could I have done more for my vineyard?"
The Lord must look on us today and think: We have been given a Savior, prophets, scriptures, the Holy Ghost, the Priesthood, Ordinances, the Temple and so forth. What more can He do?
It is up to us. In verse 48, his servant tells the Lord that our branches are too big for our roots.
A really great quote that I read out of the above manual regarding this is as follows:
'It seems that some (latter-day Saints) among us have this same problem; they want to harvest - both spiritual and temporal- without developing the root system that will yield them. There are far too few who are willing to pay the price in discipline and work, to cultivate hardy roots....Let us cultivate deep roots, so that we may secure the desired fruits of our labor." Spencer W. Kimball.
It's important in verse 48 that the servant says "..they grew faster that the strength of the roots, taking strength unto themselves" We've been warned about fearing the arm of flesh more that God, men leaning unto their own understanding, and pride.
The Lord has done all He can do. He has given all He can give. He has prepared the way for us to grow and be successful.
The only thing that can stop us is ourselves.
It's interesting what we get out of the scriptures at different times in our lives.
Right now one of my children is having a very hard time with self-esteem issues. I ache for her. I have prayed for her, gone to the temple for her, talked with her, given her opportunities to experience success, studies scriptures with her, spent time with her, showered her with love and compliments, and so on and so on.
Still, last night she was crying because of the unkindness of her friends, which causes her to feel even worse about herself. I found myself saying (similar to verse 47) What more can I do for her? Was I a slacker mom? What more can I do?
I wish I was as confident as the Lord that I had done everything I could for my children--but I have this lingering fear that I may have somehow contributed to her insecurities and sadness. And that breaks my heart.
So, what do you do?
I realized shortly after she came to me with this insecuirty issue a few months ago (and I will use the working in verse 48) that she grew faster than her roots. That despite going to church every Sunday and listening me teach of the scriptures, etc in the home, that her testimony isn't as strong as it needs to be for where she is now.
That has been our focus. And the feelings she has felt for herself has slowly improved. But she is still growing faster than her roots (testimony.)
The tough thing is that most of the onus is on her now. She needs to read her scriptures and say her prayers. She needs to develop her desire and faith.
I can't do those things for her.
And it is so hard for me . . . and for her.
This must be a touch of how Heavenly Father feels as He sees us down here with weak roots.
My heart hurts for my daughter because of her pain, and slowness to do what it takes to alleviate that pain.
I know that is how God feels about me.
This realization makes feel closer to Him as I understand Him.
I also makes me want to do all I can to strengthen my own roots, so that I may feel joy and bring Him joy as well.
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