2 Nephi 24

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I love verse 7: The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet; they break forth into singing.

The earth is a living entity. It is written that it groans under our sins (don't remember where.) It is nice to know that after all the bad stuff happening now, that the earth will be able to rest at some point as well.

There is such a buzz about taking care of the earth. Recycle, carbon foot print, etc.  Here we read that the earth will rest when wickedness it gone. I guess if people were really concerned about the state of the earth, they'd not only recycle, but repent as well.  (Can you see that on a bumper sticker? lol)

The rest of the chapter is pretty depressing. . .  which begs the question: if it's depressing (and sometimes not) why do we have so many of the old prophecies on our scriptures?

I've been reading the New Testament and have come across something really cool: In the first four chapters of Matthew, Mathew mentions NINE times that what is happening is a direct fulfillment of prophecy. Nine times.

It lends credence to the reality that God's plan is an eternal plan, orchestrated from the beginning of time.

Prophecies weren't only given so that we might know what is coming, but so that we can easily see that everything is under His control--that He is ultimately in charge, and that everything is going according to plan.

It is so reassuring to me to know that, and understand that!

But, I am so very grateful for prophets like Nephi who glory in plainness and interpret other prophets such as Isaiah!  Lol!


  1. This chapter brings to mind the hymn 'who's on the Lords side, who". I am, I want and try to be...in this is the peace & calm for me.
    The daily fulfillment of these prophesies is upon the earth. Today I will rejoice in the fullness of His gospel plan and my and my family's part in it.


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