SYS 2 Thessalonians 1:7

2 Thessalonians 1:7

I came across this scripture this morning as I perused the New Testament. There are so many nuggets of peace to be found there.

This is a letter from Paul to the Christians of Thessalonia. They were experiencing a lot of persecution and adversity at that time.

The first sentence in verse 7 caught my eye. "And to you who are troubled, rest with us."

I have a few friends that I've visited this week that are going through some really tough times- to put it lightly. I pray for them, I love them.

I know they are troubled, but I've seen their faith and their dedication, and it inspires me.

Sometimes I feel helpless- I wish there was more I do.  But, what I can do is pray for them.

But, the Lord can do a alot.  He offers peace, strength, perspective and rest.  That is what Paul is saying here. If you are troubled, find rest here in the gospel, find peace in the Lord.

My heart goes out to them, and I pray for them, and I hope they find the rest during this difficult time.


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