3 Nephi 28

3 Nephi 28

Jesus loves his twelve disciples.
(Another Mark Mabry picture)

What an intimate and sweet last meeting. The Savior went to each disciple, personally, and asked them what they desired of Him. Nine of them wanted their lives prolonged so they could be a tool in His hands ministering to the people. Then, at the end of their sojourn, they would go speedily too meet the Savior in Heaven.

Beautiful promise.

But three of them desired to never leave this earth. They wanted so badly to be an instrument in His hands- forever. They were changed physically, that they might be able to stay on the earth until He comes again.  They feel no pain, no temptation.  Interesting that these changes were brought about by the power of sanctification- a principle I wish I knew more about.

I know sanctification comes through the Atonement. It is the process in which we are freed from sin, becoming pure and holy. In that respect, their Calling and Election was made sure at that moment. They had the privilege of living here in the world, but not of the world, in every sense.

That doesn't mean the Three Nephites had it easy. They weren't believed, they were thrown into prison, fires, etc. But, they served, and still do.

The story and reality of the Three Nephites has always intrigued me.  You can read more about them here,
here, and how they visited Joseph Smith here.

It will be fascinating to someday see all the work they had done, and the lives they had touched, mostly without the knowledge of the people they were in contact with.

So cool!

I also loved the working example of prayer and inspiration in this chapter. Here, Mormon was recording an amazing event, but wanted further clarification on the matter. He prayed and received that knowledge as stated in verse 37.    Little did Mormon know that later these Three Nephites would administer to his son, Moroni. (Mormon 8:11)


  1. I loved this chapter about the Twelve. What a marvelous experience to be caught up into heaven for a time. Thanks for adding those additional reading links about the 3 Nephites that stayed. I liked verse 30 and 31 too - "And they are as the angels of God... Therefore great and marvelous works shall be wrought by them..." I am sure many have been truly touched by these three over the years.

    I may not be able to come on and comment as much as I like to over the next 2 weeks, as my kids will be on school break. But I shall keep reading.


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