3 Nephi 13

3 Nephi 13

There is a saying, "Home is where the heart is."  Our eternal home depends on where our heart is.  That is the message of this chapter.  If your heart is in the accolades of man, in the material things of this world, than your eternal home will be empty, void of light.

If your heart is dedicated to spiritual matters (which, in reality, are more real than physical matters), if you are committed to the gospel, if your heart is set on heaven, and your eye single to the eternal perspective, than you shall inherit eternal life.  AND, you shall also receive the other things that you need (as God sees it) as well.

The Savior makes it clear that there are two ways to see life: worldly or spiritually (eternally.)

Which is more real to you?

Which gives you more pleasure: a compliment from a friend or co-worker, or a warm confirmation from the spirit that what you have done is right?

On which do you base your worth: Your assimilation to the fashion, style and figure of the day, or the knowledge you are a Child of God?

Which brings you the greatest happiness: To have a house full of nice furniture and a closet of nice clothes, or a testimony full of faith and an eternal perspective?

A question you might is: why can't I have both? Can't I have nice things and be a good disciple of Christ?

Of course you can.

But, in Matthew 19:16-29 we read about a young rich man who sought the means to eternal life. He was willing to keep the commandments, but when asked to sell all of his possessions and give to the poor, the young man couldn't bring himself  do it.  He left, full of sorrow.   The Savior went on to say that it was nearly impossible for a rich man to enter into heaven.

Not because of his possessions, but because of his love of his possessions and the power they had over him.

He may have had a slight eternal perspective.  He knew what he wanted- eternal life. But, his heart was not there. His heart was in his possessions.

Maybe because it's scary to give up something you can see for something you can't, something now for something later.

I don't know.  But, what I do know is that the Savior was very clear. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness."  (v 33)

This morning as I read this and ponder, I ask myself where my heart is.  Am I willing to give up all that I have to follow Him? Am I willing to give up fashion for modesty, nice things to stay out of debt, not watch certain movies  or read books that are inappropriate, give up food to fast, give up money to tithe, give up time and energy to visit teach and serve in my calling, give up time and energy to attend the temple and church, etc?

And if I am, than I am on the right path.  But, if I should announce all these sacrifices to get kudos from those around me then it is for naught. My actions are in the right place, but my heart is not fully there.

Actions and thoughts are so closely intertwined. That is why it is truly difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. To have the ability to have nice things and still maintain the willingness to give it all up if asked, to have the toys of the rich, and yet not care about status or appearance- that is feat in and of itself.

Jesus if very clear: You cannot serve to masters.

You can't look North and South at the same time.

You can't walk East and West at the same time.

You are always looking in one direction, walking in one direction.  You may glance here or there, or may step backwards or forwards. But, at any given time, you can only look one way, move in one direction.

I guess the real question is: Which way are you looking right now? Which direction are you going in?


  1. One thing that stood out to me in this chapter was in verse 30, the last part which says "if ye are not of little faith." Having faith is the key word here. Faith proceeds great miracles.

    Love all the personal references in this chapter too, like "YOUR Father, YOUR Heavenly Father, THY Father, OUR Father." Then in verse 32 - "For your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things." He really does know us.


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