3 Nephi 19

3 Nephi 19

Verse 3:  they "did labor exceedingly all that night, that they might be on the morrow in the place where Jesus should show himself unto the multitude."

This morning, next to that verse I wrote: Do I labor exceedingly to be close to the Savior?

It made me think about that.  They worked and sacrificed because they knew where the Savior would be and they wanted to be near to Him.  I know that He wants me to be near to Him in a spiritual sense.  I know where He is, and how to get to Him, but how hard do I try to be there?

Food for thought for me today.

I love the Holy Ghost. I love what He does, and who He does it for.  We learn a lot about the Holy Ghost in this chapter.  I especially love verse 28, where they were purified by the Holy Ghost. Beautiful event!

I thought it was interesting how the Savior had the disciples pray, He would to off to pray, then come back to see if they were still doing what He had asked.  Every time He returned He found that they still were, and every time He saw that, He blessed them more.  They were transfigured (28), purified by the Holy Ghost (28), He smiled upon them (30), and then He prayed a prayer that was so great that it could not be repeated.

And it was all because of their faith (28).

I do love in verse 30 where He smiles upon them. I'd like to think that I live my life in such a way that He smiles upon me, too.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of the Savior praying.  There is another account of Him praying in 3 Nephi 17.  I love the idea that He prays for me.


  1. I am not sure why verse 29 caught my eye. But it was interesting the way it was stated... Jesus didn't pray for the world, just for those who had faith and believed Him- those "out-of-the-world."

    There are so many days where I do not want to be out in the world. I want to stay home where it is quiet and I can just do my "thing." Or do all my things, actually. But even being busy at home, I am so much more at peace. I crave that.

    My thoughts when I read vs 29 was Christ understood not everyone was going to be a believer or have faith in Him. Not that he wasn't going to try to save more... but ultimately it is up to the individual to make the decision as to whether or not they are a believer and a follower of Christ. Some just are not going to choose faith over the worldly views they currently believe in.

  2. I like that question you asked there Michelle about are we labouring exceedingly to be closer to the Saviour. In our sunday school class at church this week we talked about putting worldly things above spiritual things too much. Its amazing how uplifted we feel though when we do make time for the spiritual things. We must keep enduring to the end.

  3. I love this painting of the Savior. Do you have any idea where I can purchase a copy?


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