3 Nephi 26

3 Nephi 26

This is one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon.  I would love to sit at the feet of the Savior and listen as He teaches me the Plan of Salvation from the beginning to the end.  It is such an amazing Plan, a perfect Plan- from the organization of our intelligences to the final judgement and our celestial glory. It never ceases to amaze me how eternally comprehensive it is (and we only know/understand such a small portion of it!) and that it was created because Heavenly Father loves us.

The Plan, of course, could not have been successful unless Jesus volunteered to be the Savior. In doing so, He willingly set Himself apart from the others, giving up a "normal" human existence for that of the life of a Savior. He could have said nothing, and opted to have a life like ours, but He didn't. He sacrificed the opportunity to live like us. Not that our lives are so amazing- BUT, there are so many things He did not experience because He was the Savior. I have a feeling that He probably didn't feel cheated. He had ultimate  eternal perspective.

We are to be like Him.

As disciples of Jesus Christ we are asked, in a way, to give up "normal" lives for a higher purpose. We give up sin, complaining, time, money, selfish desires- all to fulfill His purposes: to bring to pass our immortality, and help those around us.  In that respect, we are called 'Saviors on Mount Zion.'  We do missionary work, temple work, family work, callings, home teaching, visiting teaching.

I also love this chapter because of the miracles: the children speaking, healing people, and his ascension. Oh, to have been there!  But, these pictures depicting His visit will have to suffice!


  1. There have been many times in my life when I look up to heaven and ask "why"- there have been numerous times when I have thought... when I get to heaven I will just have to ask.

    But time and experience has taught me that when I finally get to sit at the Lord's feet to be taught, to have my eyes opened and my heart softened... the "why Lord" questions really won't matter as I get to hear what He has to say.

  2. What an amazing experience that must have been for the people to listen to Jesus telling them all things from the beginning to the end. The part in verse 3 where it says "even until the elements should melt with fervent heat and the earth should be swept together as a scroll and the heavens and the earth should pass away" scares me a bit. Must have been some marvelous things that the children spoke too if they couldn't be written. They are fresh from the pre-existence and the least tainted with sin, so it only makes sense that it would be them.


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