3 Nephi 14

3 Nephi 14

Twenty percent of this chapter was about judging- or not judging, I should say.We all do it: assume, jump to conclusions, criticize. We can't help it. We look at others who make different choices and attach a level of intelligence and worth to them.

It would take a lot more time and room than I have to right about judging, so I'll sum up my thoughts.

You're walking down the street and a scruffy-looking guy in tattered clothes in the alley asks you come here, he needs help. A 'judgment call' would be thinking to yourself The situation doesn't look safe. I should not go to him. Those are okay. In fact, the Lord has given us the Light of Christ to help us navigate safely through this life.  Judging, would sound like this That man is a very bad, poor, dirty man. He probably isn't that smart, or deserving, since he is filthy and in an alley. He's probably an alcoholic. What a waste of a life.

See the difference?

It is easy to judge other people based on what we see and how we interpret them. But only God knows their intentions and circumstances.

I look at myself a lot, and the things that I do and say. Sometimes I do and say some really stupid stuff.  I look back at me ten years ago, even five years ago, and can see how I've grown. I cringe to know that some people out there have judged me- defined my worth and my destiny - by a single act or meeting.  They don't know the entire picture- they don't know me.

I have to remind myself of this often- because, sadly to say, I have struggled with judging in that past. I've made a cognitive effort in the past ten years to not do it, and I am happy to say that I have vastly improved.  I am able to not immediately assume that the guy that cuts me off in traffic is an idiot and a bad driver, or the person that doesn't tip their waitress is a a selfish prude.

I've done all of these things. Just the other day I went out to lunch and was in such a hurry I forgot to tip the waitress!  I realized it at 5 this morning!  I felt so bad. Who knows what she thinks of me.  I also cut a guy off in traffic a few weeks ago. I didn't mean to- he sped up and I had to slow down because of the traffic in front of us.  I waved sorry but he flipped me off :(  Made me very sad.

But, how often have I been cut off and though very ill of the person doing it? Assuming he was a selfish jerk who didn't care about me or the other drivers?

And what about judging those closer to us: our friends and our family?  Are we kind and forgiving, or harsh and critical?

The Savior makes it very clear that we will be judged in the same degree that we judge others.  Heaven knows that I have good intentions, but I mess up a lot. I can be clumsy in my efforts to do good- but I try.  I'm guessing most of us are that way. I hope that the Lord would be understanding and loving, seeing past my foibles to my righteous desires.  But only if that is how I look at/treat/judge those around me.

Back to the bumper sticker President Uchtdorf quoted in his last Conference Talk: Don't judge me because I sin differently than you."

It was a wonderful talk about not judging- about being merciful.  I loved it.

Now, in the same chapter the Savior talks about false prophets, and how we should beware of them. That we will know them by their fruits.  Is that judging? Not when we are commanded to be watchful for them. They are dangerous. It is a divine judgment call, you could say.

If a man comes to me telling me lies, it is wise to not believe him or follow him.  I don't have to condemn him. That's God's job. I don't have to assume he had a terrible childhood, or that he will go to hell someday. I just need to see him, assess the situation and make a judgement call: No thank you.

Anyway- enough about judging.

I wanted to comment on  strait is the gait and narrow is the way to eternal life, and few there be that find it.

I used to think that everyone, every person on earth, would eventually hear and accept the gospel and obtain the highest degree of glory.  That as an altruistic way of looking at things. And it was incorrect.

Not everyone will choose the Way- even when they have a testimony of it.

Not all will be saved. Not all will be exalted.

That makes me sad.

It' the opposite of the Titanic.  We are all going down, and there are more than enough lifeboats, but people are choosing to jump into the water rather, or stay on the ship, rather than do what it takes to get on one.

The Atonement has already been performed for EVERY person that has ever, and will ever live.  It is there for them to use in their daily lives at any moment. But, there are many- and according to the Savior Himself- most that will not be willing to enter into that narrow way to take full advantage of it.

I know if I were on a sinking ship I would do all that I could to warn the people and steer them to safety. That's what missionary work is!  But- that's a post for another morning!

What did you think/learn today?


  1. At the beginning of this chapter when I was reading about the judging part, I kept thinking about my Father's favourite hymn - Truth reflects upon our senses. Its a great song.

    Then at the end when it talks about the wise man and foolish man, the key words in the story are "whoso heareth these sayings of mine AND doeth them..." We cannot be only hearers, but must be doers of the word also in order to be saved.


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