Alma 2

Alma 2

Three times in this chapter it's pointed out that the Nephites were strengthened by the Lord in their trials.  The battles were not taken from them but they were strengthened enough to be victorious.

I can't imagine the sheer terror they must have felt, being confronted by such violence and hatred.  Altogether, nearly twenty thousand people were killed in one day. I can't even imagine.

I have trials in my life, some that really do frighten me- but nothing like a scantily clad Lamanite boasting a cimeter trying to kill me. Yeah- I'll take my trials over that.

What I took from this, thought, was that no matter what my trials are, no matter how scary they might be, in my faith, the Lord will strengthen me so I can be victorious.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. The hard thing about trials is that you can pray for strength but that doesn't take the trial away. The Nephites still had to fight. They still lost many people in battle. It just shows that we can ask, but we still have to keep fighting through whatever is going on.


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