Mosiah 17

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Abinadi was amazing. The courage he had, the faith he had. I have to believe that God lessened the pain of his terrible death as he gave his last testimony.

I see a type of the Savior in Abinadis story: he came as a sheep to the slaughter, willingly and knowingly. And yet, his call to testify was more important than his own life. Amazing.

And now we meet Alma. It seems that Alma was a newer priest,as he was so young. It would also appear that, since he already knew the iniquities of the people, that he may have been a righteous priest. Perhaps he was appointed to pacify those that still believed. Who knows. But, it's an obvious assumption that King Noah didn't care much for him, as it didn't take much at all for King Noah to order his death.

I wonder if this wasn't the straw that broke the camels back for King Noah and Alma's relationship.

Regardless, I admire the courage and humility of Alma.

I also think it this chapter testifies to the importance of record keeping and journal writing. Alma spent days making sure he recorded all of Abinidi's words and what happened. I also have to believe that when he was recording the words if Abinidi, that God helped him, through the Spirit, remember with accuracy all the words Abinidi spake.  It would have been difficult for Almato recall word for word all that is written. I think the hand of God plays a much larger and more involved role on the scriptures than we realize. 


  1. I always have to do this self-evaluation when I read where someone is martyred for their faith. I was reading last night about Christians in the Muslim areas overseas who are currently being driven out, tortured, and murdered - all atrocities they are facing right now, in our day. Then this morning, Abinadi is burned alive in the scriptures for his faith in God. My self-evaluation is always- could I do it? Could I stay true and not deny my testimony? I would like to hope I could. Unlike Abinadi, I can only wish I will never have to prove it.

  2. Angie you/we do it everyday, as we live faithful lives and joy in our Savior!


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