1 Nephi 2

1 Nephi 2

My Spiritual Epiphany:

In verse 1 the Lord Himself tells Lehi that he is blessed because he was faithful and obedient in what the Lord asked him to do.

Here's an important principle that really stuck out to me as I read this:  Lehi was blessed on his obedience, not the results of his obedience.

I have the tendency, and you might as well, to look around me and 'take inventory' of the net effects of my accomplishments: are my kids being good, does my house look good, do I look good, do I feel good, etc. I look at these as though they are what pleases the Lord, but I understood so clearly as I read this verse today that I am not blessed because of these things - I am blessed because I obeyed Him.

Take a parent who has a wayward child. Does the Lord look at them in disappointment? Not if they raised that child in the way He asked them to.

Our obedience does not always guarantee perfect results - and that's OK. We aren't blessed on the results of our obedience, we are blessed on the act of obedience.

This is all probably old news to you...but, it's what struck a chord in my soul today.  It is, to be honest, a relief to me.  I can be a perfectionist in certain areas, and I get stressed when things don't turn out according to plans. I take the blame and feel that I have failed.

This verse has given me a sense of relief and comfort.  I can't always control the outcome, like Lehi couldn't control how his people reacted to him, but I can control what I do.  And that's what I'll be blessed for.

Another interesting note was Lehi's reaction to the call to leave his home in verse 3. Again, Lehi was obedient. No questions or complaining. Just obedient.

BOM Information:

"The distance from Jerusalem to the Red Sea is app. 180 miles through hot, barren country infested anciently by marauders. Lehi and his family traveled "three days" beyond this point. This meant at least a 12-14 day trip one way from Jerusalem to the Valley of Lemuel."  BoM Rel Manual


Why do you think that knowing not the dealings of God would cause some to murmur? (Verse 12)


  1. As to the question, those without faith need to know the "why" of things. Those who have faith, don't.

    What I found interesting in this chapter is it is all in reference to the "commandment" Lehi was given in a dream. We often speak of keeping the commandments but it seems to me we speak of the 10 commandments, or in regards to the covenants we've made at baptism or in the temple. But, how about the commandments or impressions we are given by the Spirit? How often do we follow these?

    1. I like your answer Ben. Straight to the point :) I also like your insight. The "big" commandments that are universal are imperative to follow, but your right, we need to pay close attention the personal direction, or commandments, given directly to us via the Holy Ghost. That's been on my mind a lot in the last few days: finding out what God would have me to now, and do it.

  2. Over the years I have often felt judged because of life decisions made for my family. Oh-she's just crazy or whatever. The thing that has always, and still does today, keep me going is that when God directs my path and I obey, we are blessed. It doesn't matter to me what path other's are directed to walk, it is my own personal revelation and direction that I need to worry about.
    Lehi listened and obeyed. His path was very different and he was ridiculed for his choice. But he knew he was following what the Lord would have him do. It has been my "mantra" so-to-speak, to ask each day, and throughout the day what the Lord's priorities are for me. It is so easy to get caught up in things and lose site of what I really need to be doing. I am grateful for direction from the spirit because when I know I am doing things for the right reason, my day is so much easier.

    1. You are totally right, Ang. I'm so glad you're sticking with me on the blog!I hope you're feeling better.

  3. I love that the Lord commanded Lehi in a dream, for years l have noticed that my best insights occur around 2am, sometimes l think he has to catch us when we are sleeping so he can get thru the distractions that sound him out during the daytime. In a weird way it makes me feel connected to this experience.

    1. I'm right there with you, Bonnie! I've gotten some of my sweetest answers in the night.

  4. My favorite verse in this chapter and maybe even in the whole book of Mormon is verse 20. It gives me hope & faith in my future. God has Commandments for me to follow, the written and personally inspired ones.
    I guess I'm like a little child who knows, that if I eat my dinner I get to have dessert. And then each day it is easier to keep the commandments.
    To me this verse is the theme of the Book of Mormon.

    1. You are so right- this verse encapsulates the message that is reiterated throughout the book. I love the words PROSPER and LED. He is an active participant in our journey. I LOVE that!Thanks for bringing my attention to it :)

  5. My favorite verse in this chapter and maybe even in the whole book of Mormon is verse 20. It gives me hope & faith in my future. God has Commandments for me to follow, the written and personally inspired ones.
    I guess I'm like a little child who knows, that if I eat my dinner I get to have dessert. And then each day it is easier to keep the commandments.
    To me this verse is the theme of the Book of Mormon.


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