1 Nephi 13

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Nephi's future lesson (as opposed to history lesson) continues in this chapter. How amazing it must have been to see what he saw!

One of my favorite things is when I find myself in the Book of Mormon. I mean, literally, I am in the scriptures.  Right here, in this chapter, verse 37:

"And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day (now- the latter days), for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost..."

That is the Lord talking about me- and you!  We are those who are bringing forth Zion in the latter day! And what a beautiful promise we have been given about the gift and power of the Holy Ghost. Doesn't that just give you goosebumps?!?!

But wait...there's more!  The verse continues: "...and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace (doesn't blogging count as publishing?), yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains they shall be."

What? Can the promised blessings of our mission be any more beautiful?

Again, I just have to say how much I love reading about myself - and you - in the Book of Mormon. It makes me feel connected because it's not just a story - it's my story.


I am so grateful for the BoM, for the plain and precious truths it contains (v 40). Especially the greatest truth of all: "that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal father, and the Savior of the World; and that all men must come unto him, or they cannot be saved."

That is the most important sentence in the entire book, in my eyes.  Everything else points to it.


  1. I love that this whole chapter says, these things will happen...positive & negative...nevertheless...Jesus is the Christ & all who strive for righteous will be saved.

    To punish peace was a personal reminder to think & speak that which is lovely and of good report, even at times of discouragement & PMS.

    Also again, the land of promise....what am I doing to keep it so?

    1. Did it really talk about PMS in the scriptures? lol. How about menopause?

      Seriously, though. I love your point about how, good or bad, righteous or not, Jesus Christ is hard at work for all of us. It's a true testament of His divine love for us.

  2. One thing I found very interesting this time around was the description of the Bible and how the plain and precious things were "taken away", "taken out", "taken away out", and such. There is no mention of "Oh, it's been translated so many times things inevitable were lost." There is no doubt as to what the truth is. Evil men sought to blind the masses and harden their hearts, so they combed through and took out the plain and precious parts of the gospel, including many covenants of the Lord. I think it is important to remember this. While there are so many good people in the world that do so many wonderful things, we can't forget there are many people who have been influenced by Satan and do many bad things. Just think, people wanted to kill Jesus! How wicked can one get? If people could be that wicked then, people can be that wicked now. We must always hold to true principles that allow us our freedom and liberty.

    1. Oops. I was logged in as Gina (my beautiful wife). So the above comment is from yours truly. Gina, you're not off the hook!

      By the way Michelle, you are bringing forth Zion in our home. My wife and I decided to follow your schedule and read a chapter a day and comment on your blog. So far it's been great. Thanks for the motivation because without you our faces would not be in the scriptures like they should be!

    2. Thanks Ben (Gina, lol) Your insights are spot on. I totally agree!

      And thank you for the kind words. I'm excited Gina will be joining us :)

  3. This is an incredible chapter. I am so grateful we have available to read Nephi’s experience with the dream and vision of the future. This chapter reminds us that God inspired Columbus to sail to the ocean and, therefore, reached the Americas; that Satan’s power is real, but God’s is greater; and that the plain and precious parts of the Bible were lost, but have been restored to the earth through the Book of Mormon. We are so blessed to live in this time!! My heart wants to burst with gratitude for being allowed to live at this time, when the fullness of the gospel has been restored, temples are many, and the knowledge, blessings, and miracles of God are ever present, in spite of the tumultuous times that surround us in this life.

    Verse 9 really caught my attention this time…

    In verse 8, the angel is describes the desires of the abominable church such as gold, silver, silks, scarlets, fine-twined linen, precious clothing and harlots. Then verse 9 continues with “And also for the praise of the world, do they destroy the saints of God, and bring them down to captivity.”

    Well, my question is WHO in the world is praising those in the “abominable church” for destroying saints? I realize Satan has influenced many people and they are, I supposed, as happy as he is to make others miserable. After all, in verse 27, we are told that the abominable church has a goal to “…pervert the right ways of the Lord, that they might blind the eyes and harden the hearts of the children of men.”

    In spite of knowing the power of Satan is real, it is a relief to know that the power of God is real, and more powerful. Verse 37 is such a comfort:

    And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.

    It is a important for us to know and remember that if we endure the difficult parts of God’s plan, we will be blessed! I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon, which contains the plain and precious parts of the Gospel!

    1. *sail the ocean (not to the ocean).

    2. Lavinda- I love all your insights, but when you said "Satan’s power is real, but God’s is greater" that really struck a chord deep in me.

      It is a powerful truth.

      Thank you :)

  4. Well, my insight. Be sure you are reading the right chapter. My book mark fell out and I read 2 Nephi 13. I just couldn't figure out where all these inspired comments fit in with what I read!

    When I figured it out - then I thought- Shows you how much being in the right place with the right information effects how you look at things.


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