1 Nephi 17:23-55

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I love this half of the chapter. I can feel the emotion and power welling up in Nephi. He was passionate in his testimony and obedience. So, it comes as no surprise when he testifies that the words of God must be felt, not just heard (45.)

Laman and Lemuel had many spiritual experiences witnessed by their six senses. They saw and heard and angel. They were touched by the power of God when Nephi extended his arm towards them (54). They smelled and tasted the power of God in their sweet, uncooked meat those 8 years (12).  These experiences pacified them a but, and even humbled them a touch. But still, they complained, doubted and rebelled.

A true testimony is one felt with a 7th sense- our spiritual sense. Heavenly things are given by heavenly means. True conversion is a spiritual affair.

The other senses can assist and verify, but if the heart isn't touched in a spiritual sense, if we don't hear with our spiritual ears, see with our spiritual eyes, then we will not be converted.

I also love how Nephi talks about the simpleness and ease of the way (41.)

And of course, I couldn't not mention how much Nephi's faith in God's ability to work through him touches me. (51)

The bottom line for me is the are recipients and conduits of His power, if we allow ourselves to be.


  1. Michelle, thank you for bringing out about all the senses. As I read today that helped my understanding. You are right about L&L missing the seventh sense, the most important, the spiritual. I am a touchy, feelie person and need to keep my senses on balance by allowing the 7th the most input.


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