'What After Death?' LeGrand Richards

"What After Death?" Legrand Richards 1974

You might think this was a random article to choose to read- and it was for me a little. I chose it because I love LeGrand Richards. He was spiritual, brilliant, had a mastery of the scriptures, and his delivery of his message is one that touches me.

We live in a time where the infant death rate is the lowest it has probably been in all time, due to modern medicine. Just forty years ago, Elder Richards states that most had been touched by the death of a child under 18. Infant mortality, illnesses, WWII, Vietnam- those things were fresh on the minds of the members he spoke to.

I had no idea he had lost two children of his own. I did shed a tear when he spoke of his 16 year old who died. My son will be 16 next month, and my mind immediately turned to him, and my heart ached at the mere thought of losing him.

The faith that Elder Richards expresses in his talk as sustained mine. If he, with the loss of two of his own children, can have such faith, peace and gratitude for the gospel, than I can, too.

I have lost all 4 grandparents. I have lost a cousin. I have lost friends, old, and some young.  I am grateful that I haven't had the experience of losing my parents, my spouse, or my children.  I hesitate to put a "yet" after that sentence, for it isn't anything I wish to happen or anticpate. But, I know the reality of life. God takes those when it is their time. My parents are getting older.  Chances are they will pass before me. As my husband and I grow old together, he might go before I do. And, as time passes, who knows what God has in store for my three children.

I suspect that as time goes on for me, I will be touched by death more and more. How grateful I am for the gospel and the perspective and strength it has given me. I want to do all I can to continue to build and strengthen my testimony, so when losses to come in my life I won't see them as my loss, but as the great plan of God in action.

I pray that I will be able to have faith that the Lord is the great choreographer, and has a purpose in their transition to the Spirit World. I pray that I will be able to smile as I pray prayers of gratitude for the time that I had. I pray that I will find some peace in the fact that I know I will see them again.

I hope and pray I will be able to keep living, and living fully.

But, as I sit here this morning, I am grateful that this isn't a trial I have been given - yet. It is only a matter of time. So, I prepare myself for the inevitable- the passing of us all to the next place- and I do it with love and faith, keeping an eye not on their leaving here, but on where they are going and the work they will do.

As I read this, I had the sweet realization that it wasn't much after this that Elder Richards was reunited with his daughter and his son, and how sweet that reunion must have been.

I also love the little bit he shared of the glorious time of the Millenium. How wonderful that seems!  I plan on studying that quite a bit more!


  1. It is so heartbreaking when the young pass on at an early age. We have had a few in our family. It is hard enough to bear it with the knowledge of the gospel, than without it. It will be wonderful when no one has to feel that pain anymore.


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