Alma 48

Alma 48

This chapter is awesome!  I never realized what a beautiful preface this was to the 'War Chapters.'

Mormon is careful to make a few very important points as he prepares to tell us of the years of upcoming war:

  1. One man can influence an entire people- for good or for bad. (1-10)
  2. Times of peace are best spent in active preparation, study and fortifying (7-10)
  3. We should recognize our greatest weaknesses, and focus more energies on those (9)
  4. He gives us the "To Be" list (11-13, 17)
    1. Be understanding
    2. Do not delight in bloodshed (or revenge)
    3. Joy in liberty and freedom of your country (because it represents the power to choose and worship as you please) and freedom from bondage and slavery
    4. Have a heart full of thanksgiving
    5. Recognize the blessings in your own life, and the lives of those around you
    6. Serve you fellow neighbors and family with your might
    7. Have a faith firm in Christ
    8. Be willing to protect your faith, your family, those you love, and your rights at all costs.
    9. If all men (and women) were like that, the Adversary would have no power.
  5. The Adversary's power comes not from his strength, but our weaknesses (17)
  6. God helps us flee or prepare for war- but we must fight our own battles.(15) (Michelle commentary- many people think that if God really loves us He would free us from all conflict- but that isn't the case. If we follow Him, He will steer us from unnecessary conflict, and help prepare and strengthen us for the things we need to experience to reach our goal in this life.)
  7. The Nephites did not look forward to war. (23) They fought defensively, with an eye towards God and a higher purpose. 
  8. They knew what they were fighting for (24)

The principles in this list apply to me as well.  It is good advice: be prepared, strengthen your weakness, know what you are fighting for, always desire the best for your enemies, be like Moroni, etc.  So many good things to learn, to many good things to be.

I am so grateful that I have the Book of Mormon in my life.  And I am also SO grateful that I live now and can benefit from it, and not then when I actually had to face ferocious, ravenous, hateful, bloodthirsty enemies who wanted to torture and kill me!  


  1. I love the description of Moroni. I am sure his courageous spirit was contagious to the men around him. We certainly need more men like that in today's world!

    When reading this, I thought -- this is such a great parenting guide for teaching our sons (and daughters) the type of person to be.

  2. I love these scriptures and I liked the way you made a list of what you learned.
    Thanks for this one!


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