Alma 45

Alma 45

This first chapter of the 'war chapters' interestingly tells not of a war of swords, but stressed the grave importance of knowledge, belief and order.

Alma gives us his a worthiness interview, and, after been found worthy, blesses him with a prophecy about the demise of his people.  Alma attributes their end not to violence and bloodshed, but unbelief. When they live a life void of the word, that is when the light disappears, and the works of darkness follow.

Alma told Helaman not to share this sacred prophecy, which he didn't.  But, isn't it interesting to note that Helaman's first order of business was that the word of God be declared among his people (21)

Knowledge is power. Faith is power.  The word is power (I still remember the comment Angie made about 'the word.' It really stuck with me!)

I also thought it was important to note that they went forth and established the church- the place where the word can be regulated.  He differentiated between the gospel and the church.  The gospel is: Faith, Repentance, Baptism by one who holds the authority and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  The church is the organization that houses the ordinances and covenants associated with these gospel principles.

God is a God of order- not chaos.  Everything has its place - even worshipers.

I often hear people say "I don't need a church to worship God." True, you can pray to Him and worship Him in the mountains - but you can't take advantage of the life-saving ordinances without His organized church. That's the bottom line.

God loves us, but he has strict boundaries that even He lives by.  There isn't a child he doesn't love, but he cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.  We  know that no unclean thing can enter into heaven. If God has parameters to live by, what makes us think we don't have to? (Commandments)

What are your thoughts today?


  1. I wondered what Helaman thought when he heard that the Nephite nation would be destroyed. That must have been hard to take.

    I did not remember that Alma just disappeared and that we never knew of his death or burial. He was a great great man.

    Being rich is obviously not a good thing as far as spirituality goes for most people. As we see in the last few verses that their riches turned them away from the Lord. When we are poor and struggling we need the Lord and stay close to him for help. Perhaps that is one reason why there are so many poor people today. One thing is for sure, the Lord wants us all to come home to him.

  2. Love your insights. I, too, wonder how Helaman reacted when he heard of the destruction of the Nephites. I mean, these are are his great-great-great-great grandkids he was seeing. That had to have been difficult.

    Someday we'll know what happened to Alma. Maybe he's hanging out with the three Nephites :)


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