Alma 44

Alma 44

"...And now ye see that ye cannot destroy this our faith."  I love the strength and conviction of that statement. Moroni continues, "Now ye see that this is the true faith of God; yea, ye see that God will support, and keep, and preserve us, so long as we are faithful unto him, and unto our faith, and our religion; and never will the Lord suffer that we shall be destroyed except we should fall into transgression and deny our faith."

I have Romans 8:31 written next to it. It reads "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"

The power that comes from knowing whose side you are on is enormous and deep.  What can destroy my faith when I know that God is for me?  What parlor tricks can the Adversary pull? Doubt, fear, hard times, temptation?  Nothing compares to the solid peace and strength that can be given by my Father in Heaven.  With Him, truly all things are possible.

Now, onto integrity and mercy. Despite all that Zerahmenah had done, Moroni was willing to extend mercy, simply based in the word of his enemy.  When someone has wronged us, how long do we hold a grudge, or make them suffer, until we think they have paid the price? A good lesson can be learned here.

On a humorous note- Zerahemnah gets scalped and all is says in verse 16 is that he was "exceedingly wroth."  I'm sorry, but if someone scalped me in a losing battle, I would be SO much more that wroth! And how seriously do you think his soldiers took him as he stirred them up in anger with a half-bald

And after all this, Zerahmenah begs for mercy when he sees Moroni cannot be beaten- and Moroni lets them go!  What an amazing show of mercy!

There isn't anything else in the Book of Mormon about Zerahemna. I wonder whatever happened to him.



  1. I loved this story. Not because of the bloodshed, but because of the leadership lesson.

    Say what you mean and mean what you say.

    Moroni was willing to be merciful and forgiving on his very firm, concise and clear conditions. Obey or die. Period.

    How many times do we say something, lay down the guidelines and yet, not follow our own word? This applies to parenting, church, work, family, friends, etc.

    Moroni was a strong leader because he understood that principle. The Lord is that way for sure. I know I have worked hard over the years to follow the same guideline. No idle threats, and only put out the rules if I am willing to abide by them because if I don't, it creates havoc.

    Zerahemnah was wroth, but he basically did it to himself. A warning shot, if you will, that I mean what I say and say what I mean.


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