Alma 50

Alma 50

I never realized the interesting way that the fortifications were described here. Mormon starts at the bottom: heaps of dirt. Then he describes each layer: On top of heaps of dirt were timbers, then frames of pickets, the towers.  It made me think of 'line upon line.'   Every part was necessary for the creation of the next part.

Same in our lives.  We learn line upon line, here a little, there a little.  We also are given trials line upon line: first we experience this, then that prepares us to go through that, and so on.  We change line up line (unless your name is Alma the Younger, or Saul).  God works big things by small means (thankfully, for me!)

I liked how even after the attack, Moroni was smart enough not to relax and brag about his victory- but he kept working on his defenses.  He didn't take it easy. Sometimes we can get over-confident in our righteousness. We can become complacent in our stage in life, testimony, etc., and that's when the Adversary can make his attack.

The promise of protection and deliverance to the faithful is a hopeful and beautiful one (22)

What did you think/learn today?


  1. And never was there a happier time among the people... why? Because they were doing what was right.

    People often say that the LDS church is so restrictive. I say that the gospel is so freeing! By living the WOW, I am not a slave to the vices of the world. By living the law of chastity, I am not caught up in the seedier side of life. By watching who I associate with, I am less caught up in the drama people seem to crave.

    The Lord blesses those who follow him. Says so in vs 20. And "verified" in vs 19.

    But when pride and anger start seeping in (vs 30) things start sliding downhill in a quick way. It would be so EASY to become angry and vindictive!

    By being daily vigilant, sometimes moment by moment for me, things in my own little world (meaning that world inside my own head) go much better. Having my own little world in order doesn't stop any of the trials or tribulations or drama or whatever from going on around me. But it certainly helps me deal with things better.

    Therefore.... reading scriptures this morning, even though my outside world is swirling around me, more like a rollercoaster caught in a tornado, my inside world is in a much better state. This, to me, verifies the peace the Lord can give us when we are trying. Not perfect. Just trying.


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