Mormon 7

Mormon 7

Ah, the breath of hope!  Not for the people now, but for their remnants. Even as Mormon witnesses the murder of hundreds of thousands of his people, including his own family, I am sure, he writes with the intent to save the descendants of the very ones that murdered them.

That is charity.

The hope and saving power that is found in the Atonement lifts my spirits! The effort that Heavenly Father has put in, and will put into, his purpose, his work and His glory - To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

And to know that I can be a part of it is wonderful!

Also, in a more literal sense, those who serve missions in South and Central America, to the direct descendants of the Lamanites are truly engaged in extending this invitation!  Exciting! And now that the mission age has been lowered, more and more young men and women will the chance to assist in the fulfillment of His great work!


  1. Yes, there will be more missionaries out there, there does seem to be a sense of urgency. Can't believe that Spencer can go in a yr. and 1/2? :)

    Loved the video of Christ from yesterday's post - it helped lift my spirits :)



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