Mormon 1
Mormon 1
Short but sweet this morning-
Mormon was a child, and man, of great character. He was fifteen years old when he was visited by the Lord. Can you imagine that? And then not be able to talk about it?
The thing that caught my interest was the effect of the loss of the Holy Ghost. The people had no gifts of the Spirit. Faith, charity, testimony, love, strength, gifts of tongues, teaching, etc. None of these were found among the people. No wonder they were in such a poor state.
Short but sweet this morning-
Mormon was a child, and man, of great character. He was fifteen years old when he was visited by the Lord. Can you imagine that? And then not be able to talk about it?
The thing that caught my interest was the effect of the loss of the Holy Ghost. The people had no gifts of the Spirit. Faith, charity, testimony, love, strength, gifts of tongues, teaching, etc. None of these were found among the people. No wonder they were in such a poor state.
Catching up.... I think the thing that strikes me about this chapter and about Mormon is that he WAS so young! And I have to wonder... what kind of disservice are we doing to our "young" people in our families and society by not understanding how amazingly strong our young people are and can be. Just a thought.