Ether 1

Ether 1

It is interesting to note that the Lord didn't just hand over all the answers. He didn't just snap his fingers and POOF they awoke in the promised land. To obtain the blessings the Lord did provide, it took work on their part.

First, the brother of Jared worked at being a man highly favored of the Lord. We can assume that meant he was aware of the gospel and was obedient to the commandments. We can also assume that prayer was a part of his daily life, since Jared knew the his brother would be able to inquire of the Lord. The brother of Jared put in work to become that way.

Next, when the brother of Jared wanted something, he didn't put for a half-hearted effort to mutter a prayer under his breath during his commute to work or something. No, he 'did cry unto the Lord.' He put forth great effort and emotion.

Then, he didn't go the Lord just one time. Every time he had a knew inquiry, the brother of Jared went back to the Lord and cried unto him with great faith. So much so that the Lord had compassion on him every time he prayed.

The answer the brother of Jared received was in the form of more work. Go and gather a bunch of animals and seeds and get all your family together. Then go all the way out of town to the valley up north. 

The obtaining of blessings require effort on our part.

My most favorite part of the chapter is in verse 42. After the Lord gives the brother of Jared his list of to-dos, the Lord says, "And there will I meet thee, and I will go before thee...and I will bless thee and they seed..."

The Lord expects us to do our part. We need to work for our blessings. But, when we receive them, He doesn't just drop them down from heaven. No, He brings them to us. He meets us at the place where our obedience extends beyond our faith, and He leads the way.

How does that look in our day?  Well, for me personally, this chapter has really good timing.

See, I'm really good at extrapolating doctrine and truths from what I read. It's easy for me to see the hand of the Lord and the purpose in all things.  But, it's quite a bit harder when to apply them into my personal, everyday life.

Take today. I am having a rough day. I've been under the weather, which makes me physically tired. There are many things for which I am responsible for, that seem to pull me in every direction. Most times I am okay. But, when I am physically down and time just isn't there, and the expectations and responsibilities are large and important- well, these are the ingredients for the Perfect Storm of Michelle feeling overwhelmed and inadequate. I just want to shut my blinds, eat some chocolate and make it all go away. Nothing terrible is happening. But, it's the Gulliver's Travels effect. I feel like I am tied down by a million little strings of expectations, obligations, needs and responsibilities.  And sometimes I just get tired

So, this chapter was a good read for me today. I have a lot of work to do in my life. But, the one thing I have been missing lately- especially today- is putting the sincere effort to cry unto my Lord for mercy, strength and guidance. I know that if I can do this, He will have compassion on me and answer my plea. But, I need to put in the effort to do that.

I also know that the Lord will not take away all my burdens, but He will most likely ask more of me- more effort and time BUT in a different direction that I am headed now, and in doing some different things that I am doing now.  The answer won't be to stop working because I'm tired. It's to work differently.

Then- I will do whatever He asks. Even if it's hard, or doesn't make sense. Like I said before, It's when my obedience surpasses my faith that He meets me.  And I hope He does. I hope, when I pray, He'll say, Well, Michelle, I want you to read scriptures more,  or  focus on your visiting teaching route more  or whatever He would have me. Then I hope He'll say And when you're done with that, there I will meet thee, and I will go before thee...and there will I bless thee.

But it all starts with me and the amount of effort and work I put into it.

Reading and learning from the scriptures is all well and good- but unless I apply what I learn in my life- then it really does me no good.


  1. Hi Michelle, Your daily posts usually come into my hotmail account, and I suddenly realised today that I hadn't seen any in quite some time. Probably since around the time you did the 230,000 dot post. Is there any reason why it would be not working properly, and has anyone else had this problem?? Let me know, thanks.

    1. Jo- I checked on Feedburner and it says your email is still active. You might have to go into the "Have posts emailed directly to you" box on the right and input your email again. Strange! I was definitely missing you! It's been just me and the sound of crickets around here!

    2. I input my email address again and it said I was already subscribed. So I am not sure what is going on. Stupid computers! lol. Might have to just remember to come on to the actual site by myself. Oh well, never mind.

  2. I got a little behind...Out hanging with the crickets. I think the discouragement powder has been set out in the wind this week, not just me, but several people I know.

    I attended an event this week totally out of my comfort zone, but with people I know. I took away a renewed sense of the importance of journaling and reading this chapter reflected alot of what the instructor said about how we wouldn't have the scriptures if people hadn't journaled. As well as the "boring" geneaology we hit every now and again. So I bought a newer, bigger calendar yesterday and plan to write a snippet on each day... or at least once a week. =/

    The other thing I took away was a total sense of social leprosy. A renewed committment that I don't belong, even though I have known some of those folks for many years. But it's okay because it led to a huge testimony building moment.... yesterday morning I was in tears, full of discouragement all while trying to drive. Crying and driving are not a good combo. Anyway- getting to the comparative spiritual moment... I cried out to the Lord, fervently, probably the most fervently that I have ever done and asked for His love to be shown to me. When I was feeling like a social pariah- whats left?

    I, still dripping, turned up the radio and a song came on. I only listen to the Christian station, I think it is called "You are Beautiful." Tears dried up and my heart was filled with His love. Why? Because I knew it was my answer.

    Comparison- When the brother of Jared pled with the Lord for the big things, he was given them because he prayed with all his might. Cried. Maybe with tears, maybe not. Mine was such a little thing in relation, but it was huge to me.

    1. Angie - I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I have struggled with social situations and dealing with people my whole life. My friends have been very scarce and I just don't feel like I fit in with most people. Being very shy doesn't help much. But anyhow, isn't it great to know that our Saviour and our Father in Heaven love us just the way we are and they want to be our friends always. That was a special experience you shared. :)

    2. Ang- Thank you for sharing that sweet experience with me! I'm so sorry you felt that way! You are totally not a social leper or pariah! I hope no one I know gave you that impression! I think you're pretty awesome. But, I'm glad you got the answer you needed from Heavenly Father. That is a sweet, sweet experience when it comes straight from Him.

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