Mormon 4

Mormon 4

This, and the following few chapters, are the saddest part of the Book of Mormon. Every heart was hardened. The Spirit no longer dwelt with them. These were real people, whose lives now consisted of war, killing, torturing, and the sacrificing of women and children.

The pictures don't bring warm-fuzzies, but it was a reality for them- and it breaks my heart.

Here is a link to a timeline on (which, by the way, is a really cool website) of the downfall of the Nephites. The word Holocaust was appropriately used.

This cannot have been a joyous time for our Father in Heaven, either, as He watched His children digress into such a wicked and evil state.

The Nephites had a choice: they could have either turned to God in their afflictions and sought His will, or they could turn away from God, and with bitterness and blame, harden their hearts.  We know this time they chose the latter.

Here is a beautiful video (3 min) about God's will, and His love for us. For me, it brought the Spirit to my study, after reading the sad and terrible account of the Nephites, and it helped put things in perspective. Hope you enjoy it.


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