Mormon 2

Mormon 2

Fascinating chapter. The word "sorrow" stuck out to me today.

There are three kinds of sorrow:

1. Sorrow for our sins (Godly sorrow)
2. Sorrow for others' sins
3. Sorrow in our sins or circumstances

Mormon hoped that the wars and afflictions would bring the people back to the Lord. As they began to sorrow, in verse 12, Mormon was hopeful that it was #1 Godly sorrow. But, he soon found out that it wasn't.

It was #3, Sorrow in their sins. They were sad that God would allow them to suffer, and not keep the constantly safe from harm. They let this sorrow turn to anger, which hardened their hearts. Instead of humility, they felt anger at God, and pity for themselves (14)

That kind of sorrow is destructive. Because of it, their hearts were hardened further, and the Spirit of the Lord withdrew itself (26).  That type of sorrow fed wickedness (27).   They openly chose to embrace anger and pity, allowing their 'day of grace' to pass by them (15).

This brought the #2 sorrow upon Mormon. He saw their misguided emotions and blame. He saw their wickedness (19) and he sorrowed for them.

In our day, we hear a lot of people with sorrow #3. They make poor choices, then curse God and feel sorry for themselves because they are in such a bad place.  It's a tough pit to climb out of, and can only be escaped by climbing the rope of humility (cheesy, I know).  If we find ourselves leaning towards that kind of sorrow (whether it was caused by our own choices, or the choices of others) we must come to the Lord with broken hearts and contrite spirits (14). Only then will we find the relief, strength and understanding to endure and achieve eternal life.


  1. How many of us are willing to let our "day of grace" pass us by? Some days I worry that I am missing the boat. That my eyes and heart are turned in the wrong direction. I try. But do I try enough?

    There are so many things to focus on, so many things I can worry and fuss about, and so many things that try to turn my brain upside down.

    I don't want my day of grace to pass me by. So all I can do is keep trying, I guess... even when the wheels seem to be spinning or when I feel like the person trying to pick up all the papers flying away in a wind storm.


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