Alma 22

Alma 22

This chapter is full of conversion, testimony, The Spirit, The Savior, the scriptures, etc, but the two main things that hit me are:

1- in verse 15 the father of Lamoni asks how he can receive eternal life.  The answer was in verse 16: have the desire, be humble, have faith, repent and endure.

2- the thing that impressed me most about both Lamoni and his father is that they believed Ammon and Aaron simply on their merits.  They said, "I will believe whatever you tell, because if you believe it must be true"

I had a job years ago where I worked with an atheist.  We would have friendly conversations about the existence of God, both remained unwavered in their belief.  When I left that job to have my first child he paid me the highest compliment I think I have ever received.  He said, "Michelle, I've gotten to know you and....if you believe in God, must be real."

I about fell over!

Our example affects people. We are either a test of faith, or a builder of faith for them.  We bring them closer to God, or farther - just  by the virtue of who we are. We tend to focus on how our choices affect us, but really, nothing is ever about just us.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. It's simple for me this morning. Through God all things are possible. We just have to turn to Him and, with whatever level of faith and hope we have at that time, believe Him and He will take care of the rest.

  2. Yes, you are right - our choices can and do have a big effect on all the people around us. We are setting either a bad or good example every minute of the day really.

    I have to say that Aaron must have given an amazing missionary lesson and truly had the spirit with him for the King to say straight away that he would forsake his kingdom in order to have eternal life.

    The other word that struck me was when Aaron talked about the gospel giving us "hope" in verse 16. It really does give us hope, in so many ways. I am truly thankful for the knowledge that I have.

    There are so many exciting things happening in these chapters at the moment that it is hard to just read one a day. I keep reading ahead a chapter or two, lol.

  3. Thank you both for your comments! Faith and hope- there's great power and joy in both of them. Sometimes it's hard to have faith when things look bleak- but I think that's when hope comes in. Amazing how they both need each other! Love you both!


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