Alma 16

Alma 16

Talk about what goes around comes around.  The people of Ammonihah- the ones that burned the beleivers- were decimated by the Lamanites. Every single one of them.  It reminds me of the scripture that says that the adversary leads people way after him, but does not watch out for them (I'll find the source later, unless you know it)

But, the one thing that struck me this morning was the faith in prophets and revelation show by Zoram in verses 5-7.  He was the chief captain over all the armies, and because he knew Alma was a prophet of God, he went to him for direction from the Lord, then followed it.  How many times do we rely on our own understanding without counseling with the Lord? How often do we think we know what's best?

The Lord gave us minds to use. He doesn't expect us to never make our own decisions.  But, the greatest decision we could ever make is to turn out will to His.  As we do that and live His will, in time, our will becomes His as we become more like Him.

I love in the last verse it says "having victory over the devil."  We are in a war against Satan. Our greatest weapons are humility and faith

What did you think/learn today?


  1. Yeah when I read this chapter I couldn't help but have the statement go through my head, "Told ya so!" in relation to the people getting destroyed for their wickedness. I know that Alma wouldn't have been thinking that though. He still would have been very sad that the people all had to die, even though they hadn't listened to him and had been so nasty. The song words "I'm trying to be like Jesus" come to mind.


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