Alma 20

Alma 20

The first six verses are a beautiful example of faith.  The Lord told Ammon where to go, and he followed the direction.  Lamoni is one of my favorite people. He was totally excited to share the gospel with his dad, but when he heard Ammon had to save his brothers, he set his personal agenda aside to help his friend.  After he decided to go with Ammon (and not because he thought Ammon needed his help- see vs 4, but he wanted to to do his part) he found out that Ammon receieved his direction directly from the Lord.

Lamoni did not doubt or second guess.  He simply got his his horses ready and went with him. Faith and friendship from an unlikely pair.

I always find this chapter interesting. The Lord tells Ammon NOT to go see the king, because he would seek to destroy his life, so He sends them to Middoni- and smack dab right into the path of the king!  That might seem to some like a mistake was made.  But, I know it wasn't.

See, (gospel according to Michelle), King Lamoni's dad was a hard man.  Even on this little-traveled road on alone, he tried to kill Ammon. He most assuradley would have accomplished his goal if he were in his own kingdom surrounded by his wicked guards.

No- it wasn't a mistake.  The Lord knew that they needed to get Lamoni's father alone in order to soften his heart.  We will see later the fruits of this "chance" encounter. The immediate blessings were the power given to Lamoni to run his own kingdom and the freedom of Ammons brethren.

This really shows how the Lord really does know what is best for us.  He is in control. And if we follow him, even when it might not make sense, if we exercise that faith and do what and go where he asks us to- it will be for our benefit.  And someday, if not immediately, we will see the blessings flow.

What did you think/learn today?


  1. I don't have a lot of profound words to say..... just a simple thought that if we can each learn from the example of this story, to listen and obey, life would be so much easier in the long run.

  2. Some very nice thoughts there from the gospel of Michelle. hehe :)

    I think one of the lessons to be learned from this chapter is about repentance. Ammon tells Lamoni's father that it would be better if his son would die right now than him, because he had repented of his sins.
    We need to remember not to procrastinate the day of our repentance, for we never know when our time will be up. We need to be ready to meet the Lord always.

    The other thing that stuck out to me was the love that Lamoni's father saw from Ammon towards his son, and how that changed things. What things can be changed for the better in our lives if we show love to a person who annoys us, or a child who frustrates us, etc. It is hard at times, but...."By this shall men know, ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."


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