Mosiah 3:13-27

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So sorry! Got off to a late start this morning!

Tough morning in our home-- I read the list in verse 19 of all the wonderful things a child is: submissive, meek, humble, full of love...willing to submit ti his father....that is SO not how my child was this morning. (Hence the tough morning.) If she would have rolled her eyes one more time, I might have clocked her.

But then, as I reread verse 19, I understood that clocking isn't an option (no that I really would have--oh, but there was a part of me that  wanted to, just for a second!).  I realized that that is the natrual man/mom in me. I also understood that I need to put that aside. The word UNLESS is a powerful one. It's right up there with IF. It means that I am accountable--it's up to me.  I can't blame my daughter for my frustration or how I act.

I am in charge of me and how I respond to her behavior. I must be submissive (to the Lord's will), meek, humble, patient, full of love, and willing to submit to all things which the Lord seemeth fit to inflict upon me. (Even if that thing is a 9 year old who is developing that attitude and defiance of a teenager.)  It is up to me and no one else who I respond.

It was a good reminder this morning for me on personal accountability, and yes, I do feel much better after reading the scriptures (I always do.)

(and my daughter will get to be consigned to an awful view of her own guilt and abominations when she spends the morning writing "I will respect my mother" a hundred times.)



  1. I am so grateful for this doctrine! Having not been raised with it & when I took the missionary lessons and learned about little children's salvation, my heart soared at this truth.
    I know God loves each of us at every stage in our lives, growth & development, but has a special place for the children & child-like.
    Have a blessed, sunny day.


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