Mosiah 12:1-17

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I admire Abinidi for his courage to return to preach and prophesy in the same city where he could have lost his life two years before.

I know there are many times that God has asked me to do things that seemed scary or frightening to me, and I am not always as eager to jump right in!  But, I try to.

I do think that Abinidi was cautiously obedient, as he wore a costume. Or, perhaps God told him to do that to give Abinidi extra time to preach. He had a lot to say, a lot to warn the people about.

The thing that really blows me away is that I think Abinidi knew from the beginning how this would end. In verse three he prophesied the fiery death of King Noah, a death that was to be the same as what he would end up handing to Abinidi.

With that in mind, I wonder if those two years before he returned were filled with family time, angelic visitations, tying loose ends, strengthening his own testimony, and preparing him for this last calling--his mission.  We don't know, but that's what I like to think. I'd like to think that Abinidi knew what was going to happen to him, and he, like His Savior, went as a lamb to the slaughter. He obeyed God and served him willingly, even knowing what the painful outcome was going to be. 

I wonder how I would do if God asked me to do something that I knew would require my life.  I'd like to think I would go willingly (maybe not cheerfully) and do what he has asked me to do.


  1. I had to play catch up on my scriptures as our trip threw me completely off track. It was good though, to be able to read the last couple of chapters in one sitting. It is good to read some everyday, but I often forget what happened yesterday!

    The sad and comparative thing that really struck me was how quickly the people became wicked. The leader who is righteous vs the leader who is prideful, sinful and narcisistic... they both get from their people what they give. It is easy to fall into the wicked ways of a leader. We see that in our country and around the world today. People who do not stand for truth or for righteous principles are quickly followed by those who are like them, or worse.
    It is so important to know what you stand for and who you follow- not man- but God. Irregardless of whether other people believe in Him or of Him, to stand strong in the testimony that He lives and is the reason we are here, this is life with a purpose.


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